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Who is Myrtle Sanders?


Hello, my name is Myrtle Sanders.  I started surfing the internet after I took early, early retirement from my corporate job.  I wasn't ready to retire to a rocking chair, I just needed to be retreaded.  I turned to the web to learn something new and to keep my mind active to stave off dementia.  I discovered that there are a lot of opportunities on the web, but one still needs to use the same kind of due diligence and business savvy that one would expect to use off the net.  Be sure that you investigate, before you invest your hard-earned money!

Not having the mindset to concentrate on just one area of expertise (I really don't have a one-track mind), I decided to offer a variety of products and services to my customers.  I strive to be a premier provider of quality goods and services at competitive prices. 

This site is updated regularly, so please come back again.  I am always searching out information as well as new products and opportunities to share with you.






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DomainsWithMyrtle Domain name registrations for under $12.00.

Beauty products and more.

LegalShield Everyone deserves legal protection.

GoodSweetMoney Coupons and Deals Site.

Sanders Ebooks  Great ebooks at great prices.

HostingWithMyrtle Custom-designed web hosting packages to fit your needs and budget.

MyArticleEmporium A free directory of quality articles from a variety of authors.

MyBabyEmporium Articles, products and resources on Babies.

Ebook Marketing Useful tips on how to write, publish and promote your ebook.

MyrtleSanders.TV Video Highlights and Lowlights.